
Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter and Bunnies Don't Mix...

This is my little fella, Skittle. He is such a character! He loves head scratches and eating yummy greens and hay. He loves to stretch out and lay on top of my feet while I'm crafting. Sometimes he would rather me pet him than finish my project and he lets me know by nudging me over and over until I put down my sewing and scratch his head. He likes to pick up my supplies and toss things around. He playfully runs around and hides. He follows me around and explores everything with great curiosity. He is full of personality. 

Many people don't know much about rabbits. They are remarkable animals and its hard to stay away from them because they are so freaking cute! However, rabbits are a HUGE responsibility and the reason I am sharing this with you is because every Easter many bunny rabbits are purchased for Easter baskets and then when people realize the work involved in caring for the rabbit they are sadly abandoned or neglected. 

Rabbits live anywhere from 8-12 years. Bringing home a rabbit is a serious commitment, just as serious as adopting a dog or a cat. Possibly even more so. Rabbits need a safe habitat/pen/ or den where they can sleep and spend time when they aren't being supervised. A rabbit's habitat is very important and must meet certain requirements but Rabbits shouldn't just be left to sit in a cage all day. They are very active animals and need space to play and run too! They are social and need interaction. They also have very sensitive and unique digestive systems and require a very special diet including fresh greens, a steady supply of fresh hay, and rabbit pellets. You can read more about the care of rabbits here. 

Bunnies are so adorable and look very cuddly. You might want to just scoop that bunny up and cuddle and hold it all day. Bunnies DO NOT like to be held. They like to be close to the ground where they feel safe and familiar. A bunny that has been picked up will feel frightened and might bite you. You also shouldn't pick up a bunny unless you know the proper way to handle one, you could injure the rabbit's back or hips. 

Rabbits live best with gentle, patient, quiet people. A rabbit is not an ideal pet for a busy household. If you were considering buying a rabbit this Easter I urge you to reconsider unless you've done your research and feel confident that you are ready for the responsibility. I love rabbits and think they make wonderful companions. Help me spread the word about bunnies you could be saving a bunny life!

For more information about rabbits you can visit the House Rabbit Society's website. Or watch this video...


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