
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Life Update

Where oh where to begin? i know I've been quite absent on here lately but it hasn't been for lack of wanting. I've been thinking about this blog so much but I have been so busy. 

First, I moved back to Ocala, my hometown. I am really glad to be back here but it has been a huge adjustment being in such a small town again. In novels often times the heroine of the story has to go back home again before she can overcome her personal struggles and become successful and being the total bibliophile that I am, I often fancy my life in the way of a Jane Austen or Bronte sister novel. I found a the perfect apartment close to downtown and I really love it. Sammy is quite content here too.

Secondly, due to a series of life events, I finally made the decision to pursue my etsy business full time. Over the weekend I participated in my first ever craft show and it was a blast. It was a lot of work and luckily I had a lot of help because I exhausted afterward. It was a really positive experience and it gave me the motivation I needed to update my shop and give it a spruce. 

Finally, I celebrated my 27th birthday. It was really low key and relaxing and a really great send off into my late twenties (eek!)

I have a really good feeling about this year. I've set some really good personal and professional goals and I'm ready for some new adventures. One thing for sure is that I'll be blogging A LOT more.

<3 K

1 comment :

  1. I'm so pleased to see that you're updating! I've been following all of your crafts, they are so cutesy and fun :)


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