
Sunday, April 22, 2012

What to do with old flowers...

I love getting flowers. I really love getting flowers. They are such a lovely gesture and one that I feel is dying. Dudes just don't buy their chicks flowers anymore. I blame my own sex for this. I admit I once pulled that whole "I'm cool and not like other girls" act and fed my boyfriend the "I don't care about getting flowers because they just die" line. (You know you've said it too at some point because you really wanted a necklace instead) But who are we kidding? We girls are all the same and we freakin' love getting flowers. So what if they die? I have a solution for you. Turn the dried flowers into a keepsake of sorts.

I made this with the dried petals from a batch of flowers Luis gave me. I painted a small canvas and then glued some of the petals to it in the shape of a little heart. This way I can look at it and fondly remember that ONE time my love bought me flowers because he said "they were pretty like you." They all didn't just end up in the trash and I made a darling little piece of art. Win. Of course you can always press them into a book which I love but this way I can look at them every time I walk past it. Thank you for the flowers Sinho. I love you.

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